Thursday 22 December 2011

Moisturizing Lip Balm

There's absolutely no reason for you to stay with chapped lips. Moisturizing lip balm is easily available. Even the picky can find one for them, although they're naturalists, as lip balm ingredients are easily accessible. Having chapped lips can be awkward and painful if the condition is particularly severe. Fortunately for people who are in areas with strange levels of humidity, they can easily crop off that issue before it gets too bad.

What's with the Chapped Lips?

Chapped lips happen due to one thing - a lack of moisture. If they're dry and maybe even cracked, you probably have chapped. Evaporation might lead to it, though more often than not it's actually because a person has actually licked off the protective layer of oil that coats it to make sure it remains moisturized. Treatments for this are fairly simple: wet your lips or go and use some moisturizing balm.

The environment around you could also cause chapped. Cold temperatures, dry air or even a constant strong wind can lead to drier lips. Those puckered pretty pieces are particularly prone to drying as they're particularly thinned skin parts of the body and, thus, dry off really fast.

How Does Lip Balm Work?

Lip balm, aside from moisturizing your lips, also deals with cold sores and other mouth issues. Unlike the more used lip gloss, which is largely for cosmetic aims, lip balm is there to drive off the dry and chapped lips issue.

It aims to replace the aforementioned layer of oil that had faded for one reason or another, providing an occlusive layer to seal in moisture that will keep your lips from painfully cracking.

Lip Balm Ingredients

Lip balm ingredients can vary from maker to maker, but there are some ingredients that are universal. Beeswax, menthol, camphor and other things are always found in lip, whether it's finger or stick applied, as these are the ingredients that help out chapped lips. Others include particularly beneficial ingredients such as vitamins to make it a more appealing product. Still others look to add sun screens to make sure that the sun doesn't have its way with the lips.

Lip Balm Addiction

Leave it to people to think that anyone really might be drugged. There have been some rumors that addictive substances were added to provoke a dependency in users to the lip balm. While there have been no tests to deny or confirm that, most dermatologists believe that even if it wasn't intentional, the effect of the balm itself provokes lip licking and thinning of the lips, which can lead into a loop that eventually makes the lip the cause for the constant use of balm.

Licking it all up

Addiction isn't a real problem. After all, that just means that you shouldn't use it all the time. You can easily avoid chapped by simply minding the way and how often you chew and lick your lips. However, if it's gotten to the point when it's cracking painfully, you'll be happy to know that lip balm is there to make sure that it doesn't stay that way.

Bronzing Face Powder

People shouldn't be judged by their skin color. That being said, there's absolutely nothing wrong with picking a skin color that looks better on you. A bronzer is one of the ways people can do that. It is a cosmetic item used and applied onto the skin to change it into a bronze color. This tends to lend people a younger, fresher look if used properly.

So, how do you use bronzing face powder?

Picking the Right Bronzing Powder

In business, location tends to occupy the top three spots when it comes to importance. When it comes to bronzers, you have to pick the right one, too. If you pick the wrong one, it won't matter how well you apply it or how you dress around it - it won't work.

Picking the right bronzing face powder is first a matter of picking one that complements your skin tone. Don't go too dark with the bronzing powder as it will end up making you look filthy rather than bronzed. One or two shades darker is perfect but no more. The next thing is that you should pick the right kind of applicator. It can come in liquid, sticks, beads and powder. Don't hesitate to experiment with the one that works best for your look.

Applying Your Bronzing Powder

You have to look for the right amount of bronzer to apply. Putting too much to be sure isn't the philosophy to go by here. Go with a wide fluffy brush to get it onto your face as this will increase the chances that you'll get the even spread you're aiming for. You're targeting your chin, cheeks and, of course, your forehead. Blending can be done easily - simply apply it lightly at first then work from there. If you have too little on, it's an easy thing to fix. Put too much and you'll end up wasting your bronzer.

You can progress from a light application to the point where you get the shade best for your skin. Make sure that you skip out on bronze lipstick and eyeliner, as combined those with bronzing face powder can lead to an overly bronzed look. Keep the rest of your paint simple. Go with a warm look for your eyes and sheer lips to complement the look better.

Miscellaneous Tips

It can't be stressed how much a big fluffy brush can make applying bronzer easier. If the brush you're using is too narrow, you'll end up with a somewhat uneven application. Uneven can be bad just as over-application as it leads to a dirty and filthy look which is definitely not what you're looking for.

Feel free to experiment with it. Try different thickness, different combinations of makeup to find out which one works for you. Sure, it might look and seem expensive at the start, but it'll be cheaper in the long run as you'll end up using your bronzer more efficiently. Bronzing powder is fairly new so there are no big super rules that you have to follow. Go ahead, try it out for yourself and see how it can improve your look.